
Hors ligne

Acteur - Chanteur - Musicien

52 ans


Ile de France

Visites totales 50

Caractéristiques physiques

Taille : 183 cm

Poids : 78 kg

Tour de poitrine : 98 cm

Tour de taille : 92 cm

Tour de hanches : -

Couleur des yeux : Noirs

Couleur des cheveux : Poivres et sels

Longueur de cheveux : Courts

Type de cheveux : Autres

Formations & Expériences Formations & Exp.

Mai 2023

Professional Short Film - Voyage Sur La Lune

Written and directed by Pierre Noguéras. I played the role of Victor, an Alzheimer's sufferer.

Mars 2023

Just One Last Thing

A main part as Abdul in a halfway house in the Afterlife desperate to move on to rejoin his wife but he needs to discover and complete "Just One Last Thing"

Novembre 2022

Professional Short Film - A Lunch Invitation

Filmed at Pinewood Studios. I played a protective father, Rodger, tries to end his daughter's relationship with her boyfriend by bribery and possibly more.

Novembre 2022

Professional Short Film - Caught by Surprise

Filmed at Pinewood Studios, I played the role of Martin, a cantankerous old man ,who has a change of heart.

Septembre 2022

Professional Short Film - A Dry Spell

Filmed at Pinewood Studios, I played, Marcus Crawley, a film director being accosted by two out-of-work actors in a restaurant.

Septembre 2022

Screen acting masterclass

Actors Studio at Pinewood Studios, UK 4-week masterclass

Juillet 2022

Acting for the camera in Anglais

Cours Florent 6-day workshop
